
Tuesday, May 14, 2013

AeroGarden Update #5: First Flowers!

I love watching this AeroGarden grow.  Every week there are significant changes. I’ve already got some flowers from my Love Blooms kit!

First flowers from the Love Blooms AeroGarden kit

Much different than it looked 10 days ago.  Even just 5 days ago, this is what the garden looked like…smaller with just a few buds.


first buds!

And here was the first flower:

first flowers from Love Blooms AeroGarden seed kit

I love seeing the flowers with the basil. I can’t wait until there are more.

First flowers from the Love Blooms AeroGarden kit

I didn’t forget the other garden. The parsley and oregano are going strong!


I hope the little cilantro can catch up!

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