
Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The New AeroGarden is Here!

My new Aerogarden is here, and I couldn’t get it out of the box and set up fast enough last night!

my new AeroGarden! planted 3/11/13

So far, I’ve planted it with one pod of flowers, leaving the other two empty. My idea is to get those little flowers started (with the light nice and low to them) so I can transplant them into the other AeroGarden – in the hole left by my dead cilantro.  Then start a whole new garden in there!

starting 1 pod of flowers in the AeroGarden, 3/11/13

Let’s see if this germination/transplantation experiment works. :)

Here are my two AeroGardens side by side:

my 2 Aerogardens!

I’ve trimmed down the basil a lot, and I can’t wait to trim it down some more, so I can lower the light a little (to help the new flowers when they get transplanted there!) and hopefully encourage some new basil growth.  But I am trying to wait! I don’t want to get over zealous here. :)

Also, AeroGarden suggests you change the grow light bulb every six months. I’ve had my first Aerogarden for over a year and hadn’t changed the bulb yet. I ordered new bulbs along with my new garden and changed the bulb last nigh. What a difference!

The old light bulb:

old Aerogarden light

And the new light bulb:

new Aerogarden light

I’m glad I changed it.  Especially with the shiny new AeroGarden sitting next to it. Oh yeah, and to help the plants, too. :) :) :)

I’m excited to watch these babies grow, again! I will keep you updated. :)

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