
Monday, December 3, 2012

Ideal Bookshelf Book and House of Hepworths

So, I’ve been telling you how I’ve bought (and been in love with) some of Jane Mount’sIdeal Bookshelf” prints on 20x200.

I just found out (via Cup of Jo) that she’s illustrated a whole book of ideal bookshelves! My Ideal Bookshelf is totally going on my Christmas wishlist!

Head over to Cup of Jo for some more pictures from inside the book!


And here’s a new blog I’ve been reading: House of Hepworths.

I can’t remember how I found it…it was either Pinterest or Young House Love. :)

She’s got lots of great ideas, including this “fake pinch pleat” which I totally plan on using when I finally get to making my living room curtains.


I’m also in the process of making some Christmas artwork inspired by this post.

And this post.


Head over there and check it out!

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