
Friday, November 8, 2013

They Tell Us It’s a Boy!

This is slightly old news, but I thought I’d share the fun of finding out that our baby’s going to be a boy!

Brian and I went in for the ultrasound on a Monday morning. Since there was no way the clinic was going to let our whole family into the ultrasound room to find out with us, we wanted to do something special to let them in on the surprise…you know, especially for the moms/future grandmas, :) so we invited them over for dinner that night.

When the ultrasound tech told us that our little baby is a boy, we kept our traps shut as I rushed home to bake a blue cake.  It’s not a new concept, but I figured our moms could cut into the cake to see what kind of kid their new grandbaby would be. :)

So here’s the play-by-play :)  I thought this was cute: future grandmas.


A family “before” picture.


I made them cut the cake together like it was their wedding cake.


And…the excitement begins! I wish we had this part on video. There was a lot of screaming and laughing and not knowing whether to cry or keep laughing :)


So funny, right? :) I love these ladies.

Here’s the blue cake:


And it was delicious!

We had more family over than just our moms, but I forgot to make them all take a group photo. What a bad memory-maker I am!

And finally, Brian and me with our boy-cake. :)


Now we’re in the process of getting prepared for this little guy with trucks and worms and other things boys are supposed to like. :)  It’s all pretty exciting! I can’t wait to start the nursery – and share it all with you!

(PS – while I really have no doubt that the baby is a boy and the ultrasound pictures are correct, I’ll really be convinced this little baby’s a boy when it comes out and I can see it myself!) :)

What fun surprises have you had lately?

1 comment:

  1. Finally a baby post! Yeah for a boy!!! You and Brandon are in my prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy.
