
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Meet Fido

This handsome dog just wandered into our yard this morning and has become best friends with us.


He’s handsome and happy and well-behaved. He doesn’t have any tags on his collar so I’m calling him Fido.


He’s having a great time with my dogs!

Oh wait, I don’t think I’ve formally introduced you to my dogs yet. Here’s a picture I took of them last summer:


The brown one is Grounder and the black one is Shadow. I’ll have a lot more to say about them eventually, I’m sure.

For now, here’s more about our fun day with Fido.

He went investigating with Grounder:

Grounder and Fido

He played a lot with Shadow:

Shadow and Fido

And then got all pooped out with his friends:


And one last bit of cuteness:

Shadow and Fido


Update!! After calling the various surrounding towns’ police departments to tell them about our newfound friend, his owner called and came to get him! He lives down the street from us, and his real name is Rex. We’ll hopefully be hanging out with him again soon! :)


  1. I love this new friend that randomly wandered into your yard and I LOVE the picture with new friend and Shadow. So cute!

  2. Yay! I was a pretty hilarious day for me. He's such a good dog! And yes, they were just all so cute together :)
