
Friday, April 19, 2013

Basil Cilantro Pesto

cilantro basil pesto

I want to eat this every night.

The recipe is from my new Veganomicon cookbook! (I have to find out about posting recipes from books. Are you allowed to do that for real?)

In the cookbook, it’s served with spinach linguine, which I didn’t have. I didn’t even have linguine, so I used penne and cooked some spinach with the pasta.  They also call for artichokes, which I didn’t have on hand, but it was so amazing as is!

The pesto is made with basil, cilantro, and almonds in a food processor or blender. The pasta is sautéed with thinly sliced red onions and garlic.  I added the spinach, too, and you sauté it all with the pesto.  It was so so delicious!  (Of course, I made it un-vegan by added some parmesan cheese on top!)

Are you cooking anything good this weekend?

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