
Monday, July 14, 2014

Nursery in Progress

Much like most of the projects in our house, the baby’s nursery is about 90% done. Why, oh why, won’t I complete projects? :)

But anyway, here it is…in progress :)

nursery in progress (polka-dot bedding from Ikea)

nursery in progress (Dream on Me Synergy crib)

changing table (clock and London print from Ikea, Indiana print from Etsy, Zutano Elephants changing pad cover)

crib (I know you’re not supposed to have anything in the crib, but since for a long time, the baby wasn’t actually sleeping in there, these fun guys were its only inhabitants.) :)

And here’s what baby sees when he does spend time in his crib…
alphabet zoo mobile (Skip Hop Alphabet Zoo Mobile – we actually tacked the animals’ legs together so baby could see their faces when he’s lying down in the crib)

I actually already have the art to hang (Paul Thurlby's Alphabet for above the crib, and some cool collected prints/homemade Cricut art for above the bed) but haven’t done it yet! Lazy!

And I just realized as I’m looking at these pictures, that I have made some fun blue striped curtains that are already up…I’ll have to take updated pictures soon.

Anyway, that is where baby officially resides…90% done. But, considering that 3 days before he was born, we were still getting it ready/putting together the crib…

nursery in progress (Thanks to our friend Efren!)
nursery in progress (This is the last pregnant picture I have of myself before the day he was born!)

and that less than a month before he was born it looked like this…

 baby's room before

…I’m pretty happy with how far it’s come along! :)